Thursday, February 20, 2014

Peregrin "Pippin" Took

Oh Yes! Another pretty hobbit!
But, he is way more complicated than his looks. He is...accident prone. A little silly. Down right lovable. 
And yes, 
he is one of my favorite hobbits.

I mean, how can you not love him and his pretty face and his pretty voice. Yes, you are correct to assume he sings like an angel. 
Hence the video below which shows has majestic singing skills.
(Warning: Spoiler Alert. Just saying...)

In the beginning of the movies, he is the comic relief. But he becomes so much more, and I know I wont be able to do him justice, trying to explain how deep he is, SO YOU ARE JUST GOING TO GO AND HAVE TO WATCH THE MOVIES. 
ok. gosh.
We seriously need more Pippin appreciation.

Meriadoc Brandybuck

Just Merry.

He fought in battle with the Riders of Rohan when no one would let him, when no one thought he could fight because he was small. He fought. He proved them wrong.
“All my friends have gone to battle, I would be ashamed to be left behind”- Merry

...This is short... but there is a reason. (And that reason has nothing to do with favoritism.)
So stay tuned! There will be more!
Pinky promise.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

LOTR Fans: This Video. It Will Hurt You. Deeply.

I found this. I'm doing a project for Latin and I am putting LOTR in it, and I found this. And it hurts. I don't know how many times I have watched this, but it hurts the same every single time. And I didn't want to be alone in this pain... So I shared it with you. I hope you feel how I feel, like someone shoved their hand in my chest and ripped my heart out slowly.... So painful..