Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Ask-A-Stupid-Question Day!
Wow, its already that time of year again! We spend the whole year trying to be smart and impress each other, and all that stupidity is just building up inside of us like a shook up coke bottle. Well tomorrow you can just hang loose, yes that's right, on September 28 it is Ask A Stupid Question Day
Now, if you are as smart as the doctor and are worried about making brilliant statements (scary i know), here are some stupid questions you can try out:
  • Can you hurt your eyes by looking at a picture of a sun?
  • Do midgets have night vision?
  • Is there a spell to become a mermaid that actually work?
  • How can i loose wight without moving?
  • Is it ok to boil my headphones?
  • Which is worse-- ignorance or apathy?
  • Do girls play video games too?
  • Why do only Beatles tribute bands play live, i really wanna see the Beatles, do i have to buy a special ticket?

SO enjoy your day of stupidity.


  1. Well it looks like I missed "ask a stupid question day". How foolish of me!
    I like the blog Megan!!! It's PERFECT for you :)

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who celebrated this wonderful day! Your blog is brilliantly clever and witty. My only suggestion is that you might want to cite your sources for the pictures just to avoid any copyright issues.
