Monday, March 31, 2014

Trek Cosplay: Andorian Style

So I am a Trekkie, I know-- it's a Surprise. But I have always had this problem, that being: I do the same cosplay every time. I am always a Star Fleet officer, or a Vulcan, or both. Now don't get me wrong, I am in love with cosplaying these roles, these absolutely perfect characters. But the world of Star Trek is so huge. I want to do more. Be more. 
So I found the videos necessary for this. And the makeup. 
And I am going to share it with you. 
You're welcome.
So in my personal opinion the Vulcan and the Human Star Fleet officer are the basics to Star Trek cosplay. It isn't complex and videos for make up tutorials and finding the right prognostics are easy. 
The difficult stuff are the other aliens.
Lets start with: 


The first video I actually found was a Andorian Prosthetic applying tutorial from FX Warehouse (really great place for cosplay supplies).

The tutorial is simple to follow, and you know where to find and buy all the makeup and the prosthetic needed (which, can I just say, is so nice because I have been searching for this for so long).
As for the costume,
Andorians could be found most from the Enterprise series,
they dressed in dark colors, leather, battle stuff.

But if a costume like this isn't available to you or beyond your creative capabilities (definitely beyond mine), then any sort of Star Trek uniform would be fine, or a Trek t-shirt and jeans. 
Hey! It is the make-up that people will be giving you mad props for-- the costume is just icing on the cake!

I hope this was helpful! 
Be on the look out for more posts like this, especially as I try to expand my Trek Cosplaying! And if you have any suggestions for a cosplay (of any kind) just write it in the comments!
Keep on Trekkin!

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