Monday, March 31, 2014

Trek Cosplay: Andorian Style

So I am a Trekkie, I know-- it's a Surprise. But I have always had this problem, that being: I do the same cosplay every time. I am always a Star Fleet officer, or a Vulcan, or both. Now don't get me wrong, I am in love with cosplaying these roles, these absolutely perfect characters. But the world of Star Trek is so huge. I want to do more. Be more. 
So I found the videos necessary for this. And the makeup. 
And I am going to share it with you. 
You're welcome.
So in my personal opinion the Vulcan and the Human Star Fleet officer are the basics to Star Trek cosplay. It isn't complex and videos for make up tutorials and finding the right prognostics are easy. 
The difficult stuff are the other aliens.
Lets start with: 


The first video I actually found was a Andorian Prosthetic applying tutorial from FX Warehouse (really great place for cosplay supplies).

The tutorial is simple to follow, and you know where to find and buy all the makeup and the prosthetic needed (which, can I just say, is so nice because I have been searching for this for so long).
As for the costume,
Andorians could be found most from the Enterprise series,
they dressed in dark colors, leather, battle stuff.

But if a costume like this isn't available to you or beyond your creative capabilities (definitely beyond mine), then any sort of Star Trek uniform would be fine, or a Trek t-shirt and jeans. 
Hey! It is the make-up that people will be giving you mad props for-- the costume is just icing on the cake!

I hope this was helpful! 
Be on the look out for more posts like this, especially as I try to expand my Trek Cosplaying! And if you have any suggestions for a cosplay (of any kind) just write it in the comments!
Keep on Trekkin!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tolkein READING Day

For Everyone who is a fan of Tolkien and his works:
Yes, that is correct, March 25 is the super exciting and well waited for day for worshiping and obsessively re-reading all of your favorite Tolkien works!

Quick background, for the newbs who don't know,
Tolkien Reading Day was started in 2003 by the Tolkien Society.
March 25 was chosen as the day in honor of the fall of Sauron from The Lord of The Rings.

How do we celebrate?


and force your friends to read!
And if you come upon anyone who hasn't heard of Tolkien...

They will eventually thank you...

Alright. Now, celebrating in style. I suggest building a reading fort, a comfy-cozy hobbit hole of your own to read the day away. You don't have to ever leave.

Here is an option/direction for an acceptable reading fort/ comfy-cozy hobbit hole.
Just in case you were unsure of yourself.

And here is a example of how you will appear in your new reading fort/ comfy-cozy hobbit hole. And let me just say, you look good. Congratulations. You're awesome!

A List of things you will need to never have to leave your hobbit hole and Tolkien books (unless you need a bathroom > you could always build your fort in the bathroom...just saying. and then another reason you might have to read is to restock up on the supplies I am about to list for you... just saying it could happen. I'm sorry)

  1. Pillow.
    One that is not already part of the fort, you need one for your beautiful comfort.
  2. Hot Chocolate
    Because yea.
  3. Earl Grey Tea
    Because Captain Picard. And sometimes hot chocolate isn't enough. And other tea is overrated.
  4. Comfort Food
    That food being what ever food gives you comfort. Personally, my favorites are: Gold Fish crackers, Nutella, and Dove dark chocolate.
  5. Blanky
    Nuff. Said.


 But, actually. The rule is:
The day is all about Tolkien, you don't need your phone. You need your Tolkien. And your comfy- cozy hobbit hole.

Enjoy your reading. 
And Remember:
Not all those who wander are lost.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Comic Con Review

Hey! Remember that Baby Comic Con I posted about? Well I went and for such a little Con it was awesome! I really didn't know what I was expecting but I definitely did enjoy it!

I went dressed as a female Vulcan science officer from the Original Series with my newly made Star Trek belt

There was a group of Star Wars characters there to take pictures with! So my Power Ranger friend and I did that!


Here are some additional images I took, sadly I didn't take many.

So the Con was really great and they had a lot more than I expected. 
There was a Vendor Hall where I saw The Lacy Brothers (Two really talented artists, they are at a lot of cons)
So Shout Out to them because I really like their work!

I know there were drawing workshops, but I didn't get to check them out. And the there was of course the costume contest and the showcase of everyone.
It was great for such a small Con.
If they have another one I definitely recommend going!

How To: Science Officer Belt

How to make:
A Original Series Star Fleet Belt

Alright, first thing is first. Over the time of the Original Series the belts varied and changed. The built I made was a simple black belt that was most commonly worn by the security officers and the women.

Belts are a necessity. I can't go walking around with my gun in one hand and my communicator in the other hand all the time. It is just too much.

What you will need:
- Black fabric
- Glue (I used Super Glue, but Fabric Glue works too, of course)
- Black Thread
- Needle

 1. First you use your Black fabric. I cut up an old shirt, but you could always go to a fabric store and buy some nice sturdy black material, you want something that is slightly stretchy but wont break when you wear it with all your gadgets. The length should be enough to go around your waist with a little bit extra for sewing and gluing.
 2. Fold the edges over so that it looks nice. You don't want uneven cutting lines, so the fold will give you a straight edge. Glue down the edges and make sure you don't glue down your hands. Also, use as little glue as possible because if you use to much it will be obviously on not just the back, but also the front of the belt. You don't want that. Trust me.

This is what it should look like once you have the right length and it is all glued down. Be proud.
 4. Now it is time to sew down the edges. Once you have done that you also need to sew the two ends together to make the belt.  When you are sewing you want to make sure you aren't all over the place with your needle and thread, keep everything small and tight so that it looks professional. Well it wont look store bought but you don't want it to be screaming home made either.
 This is what it should look like, right length, glued down, sewed up. Good job. Proud of you.

5. Now that you have the base of the belt it is  time to start making the compartments and whatnots to hold your do-hickies. The first is a pocket to hold the communicator. In the Original Series it looks like the used Velcro to hold things to the belt, but if you are out of Velcro or just worried about your props, then I would use the pocket.
First you want to get a piece of fabric slightly larger than your communicator.
 Then, just like with the belt, you are going to want to fold down the edges to make it look nice. Just glue them down right now to hold them in place, don't worry about sewing at the moment.

 Now you are going to want to worry about sewing. You are going to need to sew the sides and the bottom of the pocket to the belt. Make sure you do an extra-good job because the pocket will be all that is keeping the communicator from falling to the ground.

Now it is the right length, glued down, sewed up, with a the perfect pocket for a communicator to call Scottie! You are almost done! Yay!
 6. Lastly is just a gun holding strap. Super easy compared to everything else this belt has needed. You just need a small piece of fabric. Cut it, fold it, glue it, sew it. You know what to do. Just believe.
It should look like this when it is done, I have the gun in there so you can get an idea of what it looks like!
 Congratulations! You made a Star Trek Original Series belt! We did it, together, team work! Proud of you, proud of me, proud of everyone!

Now we can look all official with our belt holding our communicator and gun!
I know this was my first official "How To", so if you liked it and you want to see more-- or if there is something out there that you just don't know how to make-- leave a comment!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Baby Comic Con

Alright everyone! Get excited, there is a small Comic Con coming up.
It is at the Meadowdale Library
Saturday, March 22, 2014
There will be a costume contest! (I'm going to be doing that!)

I'm not exactly sure if there will be things to buy- so you might wanna bring money, just in case.
And hey, bring your Library Card! Because we will be at the library! So Library Card!

Now, this is just my opinion, and the world revolves around my opinion, 
But, I think this is a really great Con for the first-timers.

its small.

So this is that chance to really practice getting that costume ready. See what works and what doesn't. Experiment! Get into character, because now is the time to really get out there and get funky with it. Try an accent or a funny walk. Seriously, if you get your characters dialog down, that is really impressive and is sure to get you first place in any costume contest.
You must blossom from your introverted shell- just for the contest.
And then once they hand over your trophy and prize and such you can slink back to the shadows.
Also, if you have ever wanted to give a homemade costume a try, I think this would be a good Con to try.

Comic Con! Comic Con!
Dress up time!

Party on Wayne!
Party on Garth!



Merry and Pippin: Like North And South or Up And Down. Because They Always Come Together

Merry and Pippin Appreciation Post!

Oh goodness, this is so exciting!
I figured, that less words were needed.
Because how can I, even attempt to explain how perfect these two are.
When I can just show you.

Ok. They are cute.
Aren't they.
They are a dynamic duo, the more duo-est if I do say so my self.
(Sorry Batman and Robin... and Scooby and Shaggy... And all my other favorite dynamic duos...)

Here are the links to the pictures (In order from first to last)