Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How To: Poison Ivy Eyes

How to: Poison Ivy Eyes

So! Hello, my name is Goldie, and I'm writing a little blog entry today! This makeup tutorial couples with the Poison Ivy outfit that is also on this blog. This tutorial was also not in any way professionally done or anything... at all. It basically consisted of things that I found in my medicine cabinet, and my little amount of skill (earned by just being a teenage girl) I have with makeup.Without further ado, here it is!

So this is my eye without any makeup on. I didn't use primer beforehand, but looking at my photos after, I probably should of.

Step 1: Apply eyelid primer.

Step 2: I used Mary Kay At Play eyeshadow. First, apply the lightest color to your entire eyelid. This will help the blending and overall coverage.

Step 3: In your mind, split your eyelid into three sections: Light brown, dark brown, and green. After the light brown is applied to your entire eyelid, apply the darker brown to two-thirds of your eyelid, starting from the middle out.

Step 3: Use the green to fill in the remaining third of your eyelid. Make sure to reach the color all the way up to the leafy eyebrows (if your choose to make them, that is) because it just looks like a nice way to tie the makeup into them. Make sure all three colors are blended well into each other, so that there isn't a harsh line separating each color. I also used an angular brush to underline my eyes with the green.

Step 4: Use liquid eyeliner to line your eyes (I prefer winged as opposed to regular liner for a more sassy effect).

Step 5: Apply your favorite mascara to complete the look!

If you liked this tutorial and you want to see more makeup tutorials like this one then leave a comment!

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