Monday, April 28, 2014

RavenCon Review!

I don't think I could have been anymore excited with all that RavenCon had to offer! I loved what all the dealers were selling, the costumes were great, and I got a ton of info on upcoming cons!
It was a three day Con, but I wasn't able to make it Friday- I went Saturday and Sunday. No let me tell you about Sunday- because that was an experience all within itself. I had a track meet that I had to wake up early for- I left that early to go to a Jazz Festival where, as an officer in Sci Fi club, I volunteered to represent by serving food. Here is the catch tho- I had to immediately level Jazz Festival to go to RavenCon- so I dressed in full Andorian Costume at Jazz Festival an served food. Needles to say I scared a few people impressed some others and in general was asked a lot of questions. Here is a selfie I took (that was apparently tweeted with the caption "But first, let me take a selfie")

The prosthetic for the Andorian was pretty awesome, though I did have one issue and that was that I couldn't get my antennae to do anything right. And I forgot to draw my eyebrows. But, if you still think it's cool and are impressed or think you could do it better then just go and check out the post I created about it: Trek Cosplay: Andorian Style!

Alright, less about me more about RavenCon! Like I said before, I really enjoyed the diversity of all the dealers! There was a really great T-shirt dealer where I got a firefly shirt and Jane's hat. There were a quite few jewelry/accessory tables (remember this Con was dedicated to females basically). At one table I bought two headpieces and at another I bought a beautiful hip scarf. And of course I bought cute art:

But alas, for it seems that out of all the friends I had join me at this con, I and maybe two others were the only one who were impressed. This Con was lacking in the anime department, and it also had a whole lot of Steam Punk (which I thought was awesome but others disagreed), and there also wasn't very much fan art to be sold. I think there were only two art tables and then there was one professional artist (I guess he was more professional than others. He was the guest of honor, he had some pretty rad but definitely expensive art).
So that was that- and then the Costume Contest/ Masquerade was pretty awesome as well, I didn't enter because there was a whole lot of rules, but those who did enter looked pretty awesome!

The last picture is of all the costumers entered into the contest. And the first two were my favorites that I had good pictures of (I had many more favorites but no good pictures of them)

And then here are me and my friends! (By the way, on Sunday I dressed as an Orion Star Fleet officer!)

So that was RavenCon! If you have any questions or comments just, you know, write a comment- especially if you were at RavenCon! Because I would love to hear your opinions- especially the opinions of people who really enjoyed RavenCon!


  1. Great review and I LOVE the photos. I saw you around the con and totally geeked out over your excellent makeup job.
